4th day with internet

As the title speak, I have accessed the internet for the 4th day now. But only the 3rd day running. Nvr expected to have so much internet access, but it seems that I have some luck as well. Have already update all my outdated stuff on the internet. And hopefully i can maintain my ability to access to internet for the next few days. The guy doing the telephone line is coming to split the line tomorrow and hopefully by Monday i can get full access of internet at the comfort of my home. =)

I am Vincent Cheah, and this is my documentation of the days having internet since losing it on 24th September 2009. Today is the 4th day with internet access and also the 3rd day running.

The 1st day I got access to internet was in university. And the 3 running days i got access to internet was from Elaine's house. I hv been here 3 days in the row to help her with her marketing studies. I scratch her back...and she help me scratch my back as well...killing two birds with one stone.

Thats all for today..buy bye..


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